e shtunë, 9 qershor 2007

Apply The Secret Through Your Daily Life

Hi,This is Tony and this is my first blog.I watched The Secret DVD since January 2007 and it has totally changed my life. I have since watched it about 28 times (Original Version and Extended Version) and have started researching the teachings of some of the teachers in the Secret. First time I watched The Secret DVD, I wish I want to meet Bob Proctor face to face and want to learn more about The Secret and the Science of Getting Rich. And my wish was answered. Bob Proctor came to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on March 13, 2007 and I take action to make my dream come true. I went to KL, I meet Bob Proctor and had short conversation with him. At the end, I take a photograph with him and my Malaysian friend Cindy Tee.

"SEE Once Better Then ... HEAR 100 Times"

I have also signed up to the SGR Program and I am a Premium affiliate. See my website http://www.topsecretsgr.com/ or http://successmaster.thesgrprogram.com/

Claim your FREE lessons that already CHANGE my life. And I believe it will work for You too.

Now I prepare to share this Secret to Indonesian. With my friends Mr Tung Desem Waringin and Mr James Gwee, I believe many-many Indonesian will have "The Secret Fever"

http://thesecretindonesia.blogspot.com/ (Indonesia version)

Some Quotes that inspire Me:

“whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich”

Wallace D. Wattles, 1910

“You can be anything you want to be, if only you belief with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve”

Napoleon Hill, 1970

“See yourself living in abundance and You will attract it.The Law of Attraction is always working whether You believe it or understand it or not. It always working every time, with every person.”

Bob Proctor, 2007

“The world doesn’t pay you for what you know; it pays you for what you do.The universe rewards action”

Jack Canfield, 2005

Everyday I grateful for everthing I had, I do incantation "Every day I become Happier, Wealthy, and Healthy". I learn and listen the SGR audio program and Do the workbook.
I realize my life CHANGE ... I have PASSION... Now I clearly see what I really want.

Thanks to Rhonda Bryne who made THE SECRET DVD,
Thanks to Bob Proctor, Jack Canfiled, and Michael Backwith who make SGR Briefcase program as a great tool that will help billion people to Change.

And also ... Thank to all Secret teacher.

1 koment:

Alvin Yudistira tha...

Tony, I wonder what really you want in life, so that you applying the Secret in daily, your gratitude make your destiny, the greatest success.